
This is what the subway looks like in Korea.
한국의 지하철의 모습입니다.
[hangug-ui jihacheol-ui moseub-ibnida.]
There is no traffic on the subway.
지하철은 교통체증이 없습니다.
[jihacheol-eun gyotongchejeung-i eobs-seubnida.]
Each stop takes two minutes
각각의 정거장은 각 2분이 소요가 됩니다.
[gaggag-ui jeong-geojang-eun gag 2bun-i soyoga doebnida.]
정말 최고의 이동수단입니다.
It's really the best mode of transportation.
[jeongmal choegoui idongsudan-ibnida.]
어른 1400원(1$) 청소년 800원(0.6$) 어린이 500원 (0.4$)
Adults 1400 won ($1), Youths 800 won ($0.6), Children 500 won ($0.4)
[eoleun 1400won(1$) cheongsonyeon 800won(0.6$) eolin-i 500won (0.4$)]

I think the subway in Korea is cheap and convenient and I want many visitors from abroad to know this.

I learn languages as a hobby. Can you teach me about 3 sentences of English,Chinese,Spanish,Japanese a day? I will teach you Korean too. ^^
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