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Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine increases Children’s risk of Death by 5100% according어린이

by sonidosdoll 2022. 2. 16.

according어린이의 사망 위험을 5100% 증가


Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine increases Children's risk of Death by 5100% according to the Office for National Statistics

There is a massive difference in death rates among children vaccinated against Covid-19 and their unvaccinated counterparts in England and Wales according to



Ils s’en prennent aux enfants pour couvrir juridiquement leurs arrières (Robert Kennedy Jr)

En faisant légitimer l’injection des enfants, ils se dégagent de toute responsabilité future envers l’ensemble des effets non désirés. C’est une escroquerie mafieuse de haut vol. …


A reminder that these are experimental “vaccines” which are still undergoing clinical trials until mid/late 2023. All experiments need a control group and this is no exception. Each manufacturer produces 3 different formulations based on the Advocate Principle: No. 1 is a placebo (people who receive this have no side effects and are therefore “advocates” for its safety); No. 2 is the mRNA jab itself; No. 3 is the mRNA jab with “added ingredients”. Only the Pharma companies know who has received which kind of jab.

이것들은 2023년 중후반까지 임상시험이 진행 중인 실험적인 "백신"이라는 것을 상기시켜줍니다. 모든 실험에는 통제 그룹이 필요하며 이 또한 예외는 아니다. 각 제조업체는 옹호 원칙에 따라 3가지 제제를 생산합니다: 1번은 위약입니다(이를 받는 사람들은 부작용이 없으며 따라서 안전을 위해 "권고자"임). 2번은 mRNA 잽 자체이고, 3번은 "성분 추가"가 있는 mRNA 잽입니다.
오직 제약회사만이 누가 어떤 잽을 받았는지 알고 있습니다.

How would that explain the 5years average compared to the elevated death? whether they were already ill or not, doesn’t matter because they clearly died in bigger numbers since the vax.

5년 평균은 높아진 죽음과 비교해서 어떻게 설명할 수 있을까요? 그들이 이미 아팠는지 아닌지는 중요하지 않습니다. 왜냐하면 그들은 백신접종후 확실히 더 많은 수의 사람들이 죽었기 때문입니다.

Dr Robert Malone: “The Covid-19 Vaccine Causes the Virus to Become More Infectious”

