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by sonidosdoll 2021. 8. 9.

There are many kinds of chicken in Korea.
I ordered Perilla leaf chicken with rose sauce and soy sauce barbecue sauce.
The sausage and gochujang sauce were spicy,
The hot dog was very chewy with sticky rice.
Orders were backed up because of the Olympic Games, but it was worth the wait.

한국의 치킨은 종류가 많아요.
로제소스와 간장바베큐소스의 깻잎치킨을 주문해봤어요. 소세지와 고추장소스는 매콤했고,
핫도그는 찹쌀로 굉장히 쫄깃했어요.
올림픽경기때문에 주문이 밀렸지만, 기다린 보람이 있었어요.

#한국치킨종류, #깻잎치킨, #로제치킨, #간장치킨
