반응형 이중주차1 It was things for parking pole on the hillside. Why is it there? I went to take out the trash at night and I didn't notice the piece of wood under my feet. 밤에 쓰레기를 빼러 갔는데 발 밑에 나무 조각이 있는 것을 눈치채지 못했습니다. It was things for parking pole on the hillside. Why is it there? 산비탈에 있는 주차대에 쓸 물건들인데 왜 거기에 있는 거죠? I came back from visiting a friend the next day and I figure out my feet were swollen that night. 다음날 친구를 방문하고 돌아왔는데 그날 밤 발이 부은 것을 알게 되었어요. I was really in despair.. 2024. 6. 11. 이전 1 다음 반응형