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미국, 여권에 4월11일부터 제3의성 추가한다고 발표,디즈니 어린이프로 게이.. https://youtu.be/UKNv-1bPmVY https://youtu.be/yt2ji5wbMOk https://youtube.com/channel/UCGU6lvU0Tee-0ozr9vHx1vw 원용석의 진실정치 '원용석의 진실정치' 는 미국 뉴스의 이면을 풀어내는 영상 오피니언 프로그램입니다. All copyrights owned by Truthpolitics Inc. www.youtube.com 2022. 4. 1.
파주 도너츠가게,말똥도너츠 2022. 3. 9.
떡볶이종류,로제떡볶이,기름떡볶이,매콤까르보나라,누들떡볶이,누들맵칼,국물떡볶이,쫄면사리,그때그시절,맵싸한 베트남고추,누들어묵 Types of Korean tteokbokki. 2022. 1. 20.
My friend's new family,puppy강아지 新しい家族 New family My dad turned 70 this month, as a Christmas and birthday present my siblings and I bought him a new puppy My dad seems to have become very happy thanks to the puppy 🐶 Also, the puppy looks very kind but is very energetic Already the puppy and my dad seem to be getting along great By the way, my dad doesn’t seem to look 70, right Good genetics from my dads side, lol #크리스마스 #강아지선물.. 2021. 12. 28.
맛있는 도너츠,간식 2021. 12. 28.
양고기,Biryani 🇵🇰Mutton Biryani 🇮🇳 Today , I made Mutton Biryani. This is a famous rice dish from the Indian subcontinent which consists of rice , your choice of meat ( I used lamb), coriander leaves, mint leaves , fried onions , tomatoes , onions, spices such as bay leaves, fennel seeds, star anise, green cardamom, black cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, cumin powder, coriander seeds, mace and turmeric. I then serv.. 2021. 12. 28.
Merry Christmas,New York City,미국,뉴욕 Merry Christmas , from my city to yours😊😊🎄🎄 -New York City- 2021. 12. 27.
Korean,food,breakfast,잡채,샐러드,불고기,돼지고기,브로콜리 https://instagram.com/m1_ae_?utm_medium=copy_link 2021. 12. 25.
이탈리아친구사진,현지,크리스마스 분위기,크리스마스트리 More Christmas vibes from Palermo🎄🤶 팔레르모의 크리스마스 분위기를 느껴보세요. 2021. 12. 25.
크리스마스,크리스마스장식,성탄,항공,비행기,메리크리스마스 Super excited to share the Magic of Christmas with you 크리스마스의 마법을 여러분과 함께 공유하게 되어 매우 기쁩니다. ​​ 2021. 12. 24.
미국,시내에서 산책하는 것을 좋아합니다. I love taking long walks in my city downtown 😌 시내에서 산책하는 것을 좋아합니다. 2021. 12. 4.
가을,아름다운 산행,힐링,여행,Kosovo🇽🇰 2021. 12. 3.